Founders Corner

It all started in the Spring of 2018, I left my job to return to school full time to pursue a nursing degree. Since I wasn't working I needed a way to make extra cash to help with the household bills. Cooking was a hobby that I loved but I didn't really want to sell plates, the local market was already overly saturated with church plate sales and other moms selling plates from their kitchen to make ends meet. I decided that I needed to find a different niche, but what? My step-dad was a cookie monster and one day challenged me to add bacon to my chocolate chip cookie and it was a hit! He said that they were good but my chocolate chip cookie alone was "Really Really Good!!" I always know when something is delicious by the amount of "Reallys" he adds to his critique. Ryan and I decided to put some feelers out and see if anyone would be interested in buying homemade cookies. I baked a bunch of goodies and we both took them to work as samples. Just like that Sweet B caught wind and was an instant success! We had orders coming in left and right. There were times when Ryan would come home from his 2nd shift job and inform me that he had upwards of 12 dozen sold for the next day. Needless to say this was growing much faster than we expected and things were great! Fast forward and the pandemic hits and we sadly have to close down the Sweet B operation. Once the pandemic began to balance out and the world started to move to a new form of normal, I returned to work and didn't think about relaunching Sweet B. I worked for a temporary agency that assisted with Covid Vaccines and absolutely loved it. Despite being happy in my role with the vaccine team I kept feeling like I was being called to return to baking. The call got stronger and strong until I sat down and had a talk with God. I asked him to give me signs along the way to confirm that Sweet B was where he had called me to be. I prayed that when the time was right that he would PUSH me out of my position so that I could return to baking. Y'all, I kid you not, three days later I was notified that my contract had ended unexpectedly and I would no longer be needed in my position. Yep, just like that Sweet B was back! With Ryan by my side and our boys, Branden and Mason on board we relaunched Sweet B and made the commitment to give it our all. Ryan is our COO, Branden is our website designer and Sweet B Merch creative director and Mason is our special populations consultant, part time dish washer and flavor advisor. We have an amazing tribe that supports us and helps to keep us grounded. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our community and to connect with each of our customers. We appreciate you all!